Friday --- Henry and Mills "stir out" some hay.... this would be sort of flipping it over and fluffing it a bit to dry faster. Omar cultivates potatoes and corn until noon. After lunch they rake and put up the hay - probably raking it into piles for easier loading onto the wagon later. They get two loads into the barn by evening, and a third load on the wagon, but not into the barn. Sarah, Jen, and Mills go to Ingleside for the Rehearsal. I'm not sure if that is just regular choir practice, or if they are rehearsing for something more special? Susie Conley comes home with Jen.
Saturday --- Susie and Jen go to Bloods to celebrate. That term often refers to a birthday party? Omar, Mills, and Henry draw some more hay. R. Smith comes by and Henry lets him have 4 bushels of oats and some basswood picket material. Earlier in the week, Henry had decided not to sell oats to Mr. Briglin.
Sunday --- They all go to church - Elder Hibbard preaches. Vern Drake brings some strangers to church - three little boys. Sarah takes them in her Sunday School class. I think this is the first mention of Sarah teaching Sunday School. Sarah stays in Ingleside for the evening service. Henry goes home and does not go to evening service, but Omar, Jen, and Susie Conley go.
Monday -- They finish mowing and return the mowing machine to Mr. Smith. (They seem to share more complex machinery often?) Mr. Demorest comes by to pick up some of the oats for Mr. Smith. Henry and Mills cut the grass and weeds from the berry patch, and Sarah and the children pick 2 1/2 crates of berries ( Variety - Tylers?) A crate of berries is 40 (correction) quarts. Henry takes the berries to Slatterey's in Bloods to sell. Slattery is away in Rochester, NY. Addamus tells Henry they will pay them 5 cents per quart for the berries. Omar works in the potatoes.