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Friday - August 27, 1886 -- They continue their trip to Mansfield to visit Henry's older brother Robert and family. They leave Savona around 8AM after Henry showers. I'm not sure where they are staying... I presume with friends or relatives who are lucky enough to have a shower. Henry showers twice! They drive to Lawrenceville where they stop to feed the horses around 2PM. They stop at Tioga to visit James (Henry's younger brother?), and make it to Mansfield around 5:30. About a 40 mile trip in 9 hours minus stops to feed the horses and visit James. Henry notes that it is hot and very dusty! 90 degrees.Saturday - August 28, 1886 --- They go to visit Henry's mother, Mary, and his younger sister Adelaide. Sarah and Henry to with his mother to the Baptist Society Meeting, but Henry leaves early because he is not feeling well, and does not feel like running around much.
Sunday - August 29, 1886 --- They go to the Baptist church again, and hear the farewell sermon of Elder Hodder. There is a full house for this event. I'll quote Henry here -- "Elder Hodder is a man of pleasant address and gentlemanly appearance, and will make his mark someday." Henry describes him as an "ellocutionist" (sic) Henry seems to disagree somewhat with his religious beliefs though because he says "Spiritually however, there is room for growth".
Monday - August 30, 1886. Henry and Sarah take tea at his Mother's place. They are joined by Mary (Henry's sister?), Uncle Raymond Mills (Henry's Mother's brother), and a Mrs. Ridgeway. It rains finally. Afterward, Henry takes Raymond Mills home. Henry says he is feeling better, but still not well.